Its easier to take your favourite recipes to a healthier level. Switching in these alternatives allow you to continue enjoying classic recipes. These are for those of you who are looking to avoid allergens or are just looking for a healthier alternative. I find these substitutions work best in muffins, brownies, quick breads, cookies and some cakes.
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1 Tablespoon (tbsp) butter = 1 tablespoon olive oil or Earth Balance
1 cup butter = ¾ cup olive oil or ¾ cup coconut oil
1 cup yogurt = 1 cup soy yogurt or 1 cup applesauce
1 cup buttermilk = 1 cup of soy milk with 1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup milk = 1 cup almond milk
= 1 cup soy milk
= 1 cup rice milk
= 1 cup coconut milk
1 cup of sugar = ¾ cup honey (reduce other liquids in recipe by 2 tablespoons)
= ¾ cup maple syrup
= ⅔ Agave nectar
= 1 ⅓ molasses plus ½ teaspoon baking soda
1 egg = 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed plus 3 tablespoon liquid (set for 15 min)
= 1 tablespoon ground chia seed plus 3 tablespoon liquid (set for 15 min)
= 1 banana pureed plus 1 teaspoon baking powder
= 3 tablespoon applesauce plus 1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup of all purpose flour = 1 cup almond or oat flour (& 1 teaspoon baking soda)
= 1 cup black bean puree
Xanthan Gum:
1 teaspoon xanthin gum = 1 and ¼ teaspoons of guar gum
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