Okay "healthy" in the this pumpkin seed brittle recipe may be a bit of an exaggerated statement. This is still a dessert/candy snack.. so moderation is key here people! No eating the entire batch in one sitting like I just did.. it hurts!!
Remember when I told you that my last recipe post was going to be my last pumpkin spice recipe? Well it was, and this is my last pumpkin recipe for the season hehe GOT YA.
Now for some story time.. I am sorry if this grosses some people out but, the nurse in me allows me to talk health + food all in post and not get turned off.. If this isn't you, then I apologize... and you should skip the next few paragraphs. You have been warned!
If you follow me on snap chat, you would have seen the long hike I took my dogs on the other day. We went along a beautiful path through a forest. Some areas of the path were heavy straw grass where as other areas were straight rock. During the walk I thought I felt a stick prick my hip so I brushed it off and continued on my way..
Later on (like an hour later) when I got home, I looked down at my pants to find a TICK on my hip. Luckily it was not able to break through my pants and attach its self to me but it scared me like crazy! For those of you who aren't aware what ticks are.. they are little bugs that bite and latch onto skin (usually dogs) and grow while feeding. They are a real problem in my area because they carry a awful illness called "Lyme Disease" that cause huge health issues in humans.
So initially, this put me into a major panic.. called Dylan, he told me to go to the hospital if the Tick bite me..luckily after talking with my doctor, they said as long as it didn't latch on to me I would be fine.. and I am.
Anyways, don't know why I felt it necessary to share this story with you .. but just needed to get that off my chest. So THANKS!
So for this pumpkin seed brittle..
It's gone..
All eaten..
It didn't stand a chance...
It was crunch, yet chewy
It was sweet, yet salty
It was basically everything you would want in a pumpkin seed brittle and more!
Plus pumpkin... and you know me with my pumpkin... #pumpkin4life
This recipe is packed with healthy pumpkin seeds and organic raw sugar .. yum!
Before I cause you to drool all over your keyboard.. here is the recipe!
Enjoy this pumpkin seed brittle my friends! 
Pumpkin Seed Brittle
Crunchy, salty and sweet in all the right ways! A quick and easy gluten free + dairy free treat.
- ¾ cup Pumpkin seeds
- ¼ cup gluten free oats
- 2 tablespoon chia seeds
- 2 tablespoon coconut sugar
- 2 tablespoon coconut oil
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- ½ teaspoon pink salt
- ½ cup maple syrup
- Preheat oven to 350°. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
- Add pumpkin seeds, oats, chia seeds, coconut sugar, cinnamon and salt to a mixing bowl. Stir to combine.
- In a small sauce pan, combine maple syrup and coconut oil. Continue to stir until the mixture no longer seperates.
- Spread dry ingredients on the parchment paper evenly. Pour maple syrup and coconut oil over the dry ingredients. Make sure its even.
- Bake in oven for 15 minutes.
- Once finished (it will be brown), pull out of oven and allow to cool completely.
- Once cool, break into brittle pieces! Enjoy!
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