I woke up at 4:45am on August 24th too go to the bathroom yet again, when I got to there I realized my usual back aches were coming in waves and were deeper. My midwives were on edge because I had a history of fast labours so I was told to page them once I started getting contractions to get to the hospital right away. I called my mom and she started heading out to us to watch the girls.
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We arrived to the hospital at 6am. My contractions were light, I was able to laugh and talk through them with my husband. The midwife checked me and said I was 4cm dilated. I asked if we could walk around the hospital instead of sitting in the room. Dylan and I walked outside along the water and watched the sun rise. It was the most peaceful beautiful moment. We ended up staying out there for 2 hours talking and enjoying the view.
When we went back to labour and deliver ward at 8am my midwife checked me and I was only at 5cm. I decided to labour in the on the ball for a bit then in the bath. Contractions were getting harder to breathe through but I was able to talk in between. They were 1 min long and 2 minutes apart at this point.
At 10am the midwife wanted to check me again. I had stalled at 5cm, I was super discouraged at this point so she offered to break my water to speed things up for me. We broke my water at 10:15am
This is when things got REAL. I had to really focus through my contractions and rest leaning over the bed in between. These contractions were excruciating. Dylan pushed on my lower back to counter pressure them (this was the only thing helping). 25 minutes of these brutal contractions, I felt the urge to push during a contraction. I knew what this meant and told my midwife.
I got into the bed and grabbed the bed rails. My midwife called the backup midwife and started setting up her delivery tray while involuntarily pushing with each contraction. My midwife then moved my gown to check me and could see the baby’s head was already crowning! She said my backup isn’t going to make it in time so she ran out of the room to see if a nurse could help deliver. Meanwhile, it was just Dylan down there as I pushed. I panicked!! He kept saying “It’s ok Nik, I’ve got this” ❤️
My midwife came back in after a few seconds and baby’s head was out, and one more push, her body shot out too. Dylan said “it’s a girl!!”.
As soon as they put her on my chest, the pain stopped and the world froze in that moment. Hearing her cry was the best sound I’ve ever heard. She was here, we were safe 💕 I couldn’t have had a better birth.
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