How To Optimize Your Bathroom Space: A post all about ideas to optimize your bathroom space and organization.

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Hi beauties! Todays post is all about optimizing your bathroom space and organization the right way!
I love my main bathroom. It's my favorite room in the house, and I've spent a lot of time thinking about how to make it look and feel as nice as possible. I'm constantly making small changes, like getting rid of things that I don't need or replacing old towels with new ones.
But there are also some bigger things you can do to optimize your bathroom space with minimal effort—and that can really improve your experience when using this room every day!
Here are some simple ideas for making your bathroom more functional:
Optimizing Your Bathroom Space
Don't underestimate lighting.
You may not be aware of it, but lighting is a very important aspect of your bathroom. It can help you create a mood, see better, find things and even see what you are cutting.
If you have ever been in a dark room with the lights off and had someone turn them on, then you know how much more light helps when trying to do something in that room. And if you don't have enough light in your bathroom will as soon as these tips are implemented!
Make it easy to clean.
Cleaning your bathroom can be a pain. Make it easier by using a squeegee after every shower, or whenever you're done in there. You can also use one to clean the glass doors of your shower, toilet and vanity mirror. If you have a shower curtain, try putting a rubber band around the rod to keep it in place and prevent water from dripping on the floor. If you don't want to use a rubber band, try using hooks instead of suction cups.
Use additional furniture for storage.
One of the best ways to optimize your bathroom space is by using furniture. Think about any piece of furniture that can be used as a storage unit, and then do it! For example: a nightstand can hold a small basket on top with necessities like sunscreen and hand sanitizer, or a bookshelf can hold toilet paper rolls in an organized fashion.
If you have an unused cabinet or cabinet door on the wall where there used to be a mirror, consider creating shelves inside! Shelves are great because they can store just about anything—soap bottles, shampoo name it!
And if you don't have any cabinets at all? No worries: simply keep things in plastic bins on top of your sink or toilet tank (wherever there's room). This way everything will look neat and tidy instead of scattered everywhere around the bathroom with no rhyme or reason.
Go diagonal with your shelving.
Not all shelving is straight, nor should it be. When you go diagonal with your shelving, you can create a more visually appealing bathroom that is more practical and can also be used to create a focal point in the room. Diagonal shelves aren't just for aesthetics either—they can also provide a sense of space in an otherwise small bathroom.
Keep surface space free.
Your bathroom is a place for you to groom, cleanse and rejuvenate. Keeping your surfaces clear of clutter will help promote this feeling of clarity, which is why some people like to use hooks or shelves to keep towels out of the way. Others prefer a towel rack in order to hang towels while they dry. If you don’t have room for either option, try using a drying rack instead. Another option is the towel ring—it doesn’t take up any space on your countertop, but it can hold wet towels if you decide not to use one of the other options above.
Organize vertically.
There are many ways to use vertical space in the bathroom. Some of these methods include:
- Using a towel rack or rod to store your towels, hand towels and washcloths. This is a great way to keep them off the floor and organized in one place. It also allows for easy access when needed.
- Using baskets for toilet paper, facial tissue and other items that need regular access but don’t require an entire drawer dedicated to their storage (For example: feminine hygiene products). You can also hang baskets near toilets so they are easily accessible by anyone who needs them - no more rummaging through drawers trying to find what you need!
- Hiding unsightly cleaning supplies behind cabinet doors or inside cupboards where they won't be seen until necessary while still keeping everything within reach by placing in pull-out drawers or on slide out shelves which makes this option especially handy if they're too heavy or bulky otherwise resulting in awkward positioning like awkwardly bending over backwards when reaching into tight spaces).
Personalize your storage units.
If you have the space, a mirror can be used to cover up an unsightly wall. If you don't have the space for a full-length mirror, use a large square or round decorative mirror to cover one or two walls. You can also use your towel rack to hold towels instead of letting them hang over the edge of the tub or shower (which looks messy). This will free up shelf space under your sink and allow you to make more room for toiletries and cleaning supplies.
You could also place an empty shelf above your toilet tank (or anywhere else on that wall) that would hold extra toothpaste, deodorant, and other small items. Another idea is to get a basket or box that fits in front of your toilet paper holder; this way when guests come over they won't "accidentally" grab all your extra toilet paper!
Finally if there's any room left in your bathtub area consider getting some decorative baskets which would look nice hanging from hooks by either end of the tub - just make sure none are too heavy because these aren't meant for storage purposes only decoration!
A few small changes can make a big difference for bathroom space and usability.
As a general rule, you should never underestimate the importance of lighting. It’s not just about vanity—ideally, your bathroom should have plenty of natural light and sufficient ceiling fixtures to create an even glow in all areas. This makes it easier for you to see what you’re doing when shaving or applying makeup, which means less time spent fussing around with mirrors and more time getting ready.
Lighting is also important when it comes to storage options: if there isn't enough overhead light in your bathroom, you may need additional lamps or sconces to brighten up areas where things are stored (like under countertops). In addition, having adequate natural light will allow you to see what's inside cabinets and drawers so that they can be used efficiently without having too much clutter buildup over time.
More Bathroom Decor Posts:
You’re not going to be able to fix everything in your bathroom, but you can make it better. That’s what we’re here for! And with these tips, we think you can do just that.
Until next time,